Getting your award certificates

Requesting your award certificate

You have just graduated (Bachelor’s degree, Master’s degree, Doctorate)

As a 6-month delay is the average period of time for the effective dealing of requests, please apply right from graduation.
May we recommend not to postpone your request to the end of your academic course.

The Bureau des Diplômes (Awards Office) will call you when the certificate is available (contact details on the next page) or will post the information on the notice board next to the office AR116.

How to get your award certificate

You live in Greater Toulouse?

Go to the Bureau des Diplômes (compulsory ID) where you will be handed your award certificate (s) in Law and Political Science, Economics, Administration and Communication (A.E.S.) and Computer Science (from 2002 onwards)

Toulouse School of Management - TSM and IEP certificates will be available directly at the school.

You live abroad in France or you graduated before 2002?

Please send the corresponding application form entitled " DEMANDE de DIPLOME " (on the french website) to the Awards Office or leave it at the Arsenal reception desk.

  • You are a resident abroad: you will be sent the award certificate by registered mail via the French Embassy of your country and you will be notified by mail.
  • You are a resident in France (outside greater Toulouse): the certificate will be sent by registered mail to the nearest town hall and you will be notified by mail.

Power of attorney

Power of attorney can be granted to a person of your choice, in which case the person must present:
  • The power of attorney bearing your signature
  • his/her ID or passport
  • a copy of your ID or passport