Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL)

Collaborative Online International Learning, also widely known as COIL, is a type of online teaching that involves at least two faculty members from two partner universities collaborating together to create a thematic module as part of an existing course.
For students, COIL provides an international experience that does not require geographical mobility, and prepares students to work in a multicultural context and often in a foreign language such as English, Spanish, etc.
For instructors, COIL provides access to a corpus of data and documents that may not be accessible within their institution, enables them to involve a colleague with techniques or knowledge that are different from their own, and creates or strengthens international partnerships.
The University of Toulouse Capitole is developing its COIL programme, and is actively seeking UT Capitole faculty who would like to reinforce their courses via international virtual exchange with specific partner universities. The International Office will inform faculty members of COIL partnership possibilities by publishing calls for interest.

Inversely, the International Office is also pleased to guide instructors in their search for COIL partners. If you are an instructor and are actively seeking a partner for a COIL module idea, please contact us.
Contact : Rachel Boss-Benoist, "internationalisation at home" project manager (