Blended Intensive Programmes (BIP)

"Blended Intensive Programmes", or BIP for short, is a type of short-term hybrid mobility offered within the framework of the Erasmus+ programme. These intensive courses are taught in collaboration by instructors from at least three partner universities from three different countries.

This type of intensive mobility is aimed at Bachelor or Master's level students, and is defined by two key elements : a distance learning module and in-person courses. The distance learning module is not defined by any minimum duration requirements, while the physical mobility element of the course should last for a minimum of 5 days and maximum of 30 days and takes place at one of the collaborating universities. Finally, 3 ETCS minimum must be validated for the course.

The BIP format offers an exciting opportunity to students who might not otherwise have access to classic study aboard exchanges to gain international experience during their university career. Additionally, Blended Intensive Programmes encourage the development of transnational and transdisciplinary study programmes and innovative teaching and learning methods by favoring online collaboration and placing special emphasis on societal challenges in an intercultural context.

If you are a faculty member who is interested in delevoping a Blended Intensive Programme, or a student who is interested in participating in a BIP, please contact Rachel Boss-Benoist, "internationalisation at home" project manager:

Blended Intensive Programmes 2022-2023