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The LMD scheme

The courses offered to students is organized in accordance with the European framework for higher education called LMD

LMD can be defined as follows:

  • An organization around three degrees: the Bachelor’s degree, the Master’s degreethe Doctorate
  • A course- and semester-based organization validated by credits (ECTS).

The framework is based on course credit transfer allowing common recognition by any French or European university.








 Baccalaureate + 3 years of studies

 Baccalaureate +5  years of studies

 Baccalaureate  + 8 years of studies

 180 credits
 (6 semesters)

 + 120 credits
(4 semesters)
= 300 credits 

 + 180 credits
(6 semesters)
= 480 credits 


  • The higher education 2-year (DEUG) and 4-year (MASTER 1) degrees are only delivered on students’ special request
  • The courses on offer are organized by academic field and each field is divided in tracks and  majors. The Master’s degree-2 is either work-oriented or research-oriented.

This organization:

  • Enables students to design their own training path  according to their own personal career project.
  • Facilitates mobility and exchanges within the European Union
  • Favours better recognition of the diplomas on the labour market