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Exhibition "L'art et le mot"

from February 5, 2024 to May 20, 2024

Open Mondays to Fridays, 8am to 8pm / Saturday, 8am to 6pm
Closed on Sundays
Toulouse - Campus Capitole - Arsenal
Between markers H and I on this map !

Exhibition Opening Ceremony on Tuesday February 6th , 6pm (invitation)

A new space dedicated to contemporary art is opening on campus! The first exhibition to be held here is a collaboration between Les Abattoirs, Musée - Frac Occitanie Toulouse and the Espace Culturel of Toulouse Capitole University.

The inaugural exhibition of "Petit Hall" at Toulouse Capitole University brings together works that highlight the interactions between image and word, between reading and perception. The use of words in art emerged with the avant-garde movement of the early 20th century.

Expo "L'Art et le mot"
Expo "L'Art et le mot"
This close relationship has continued to assert itself in contemporary art right up to the present day. The word has become an aesthetic form in the same way as color and form, serving a poetic language, existential questioning, memory... (Jean Bazaine, Pierre Buraglio, Juliette Green, Éric Pougeau, Léo Scalpel, Béatrice Utrilla). The use of words is also a political act that takes the form of manifesto works by activist artists who are determined to challenge the dominating authority (Babi Badalov, Guerrilla Girls). While others (Marion Mounic, Libia Posada, Miguel Ángel Rojas) denounce injustice and try to make the voices of the oppressed heard.

From visual poetry to various forms of expression, “L'art et le mot” explores this fascinating and complex relationship between graphic dynamics and the weight of their meaning.

Partners :
logo abattoirs
logo abattoirs
Contact :
Espace Culturel - bureau AF63, Maison des Étudiants :
Updated on February 1, 2024