- Life of the Institution,
Health advisers to guide and help you
Health mediators are available on the campus in all the university buildings in order to help you understand and apply the health recommendations.
All these measures are meant to protect us all against Covid 19.
Complying with them protects everyone !
Health advisers are here to guide and help you.
The mediators are in charge of controlling and managing the situations in which people are put at risk for non complying with the safety rules in force on the campus.
- Their mission consists in :
- Advising and helping you to move around the university.
- Reminding you that wearing a mask properly is compulsory (and giving you one if you happen to forget yours).
- Explaining the health safety regulations in force on the campus.
- Seeing to the supply of hand sanitizers dispensers on the campus.
- How to get in touch with them ?
They work in pairs and are wearing an orange vest. They walk around the site from Mondays to Fridays :
Do not hesitate to turn to them and welcome their recommendations !
Let’s us all be committed in taking action against Covid-19 !