• Life of the Institution,

Instructions for students in case of suspected or confirmed contamination of COVID-19

All students who are symptomatic or who have been in contact with an infected person for more than 15 minutes without a mask and without distancing themselves from an infected person are encouraged to follow the following instructions.


    I inform my school by email if I have an attendance obligation that I cannot respect. The contact details of each school are indicated on the university's website - Training section : www.ut-capitole.fr/formations/gerer-sa-scolarite/ (in french)
    I inform the Covid Referent at the university by filling out the form (in french) provided for this purpose.
    I stay at home and I follow the health recommendations of Public Health France
("I have the signs of illness" and "I have been in contact with a sick person" forms, in french).


    I contact my doctor by phone :
If he gives me a medical certificate of termination, it must be sent to my school to justify my absence.
    I carry out the screening test :
Consult the list of screening centers near you : https://sante.fr/recherche/trouver/DepistageCovid (in french)
    I am staying at home waiting for the result.


    If the result is negative : I come back to class and I warn the Covid Referrer.
    If the result is positive :
        - If I have not already done so, I inform by email the COVID Referent of the university by filling in the form provided for this purpose (form).
        - If I have not already done so, I send the medical certificate to my school.
        - I stay at home protecting my relatives.
        - I follow the health recommendations of Public Health France ("I have the signs of illness" and "I have been in contact with a sick person" forms, in french).

The Covid referent of the university, referent.covid@ut-capitole.fr, transmits the information in its possession to the ARS (Regional Health Agency) which transmits in return the health instructions to be applied within the establishment.