Opportunities in Toulouse and the Occitanie region

L’observatoire de l’emploi en Occitanie: find economic data about the Occitanie region

On a regular basis, France Travail publishes many studies and statistics regarding the employment situation in each French region, including data about the global economic climate, territorial analysis, jobs in short supply, recruitment needs, etc. You will find here all the data about the Occitanie region: Observatoire de l’emploi en Occitanie (in French).

CRIJ Occitanie – Info Jeunes: get in touch with the youth information center

The Info Jeunes network provides young people aged 11 to 30 with information on a wide range of youth-related topics, including seasonal job offers, job fairs, employment law... Don't hesitate to contact the Centre Régional Information Jeunesse (CRIJ) Occitanie to find out more, keep up to date with events organised around job possibilities or benefit from specific support.

Top Eco: the best Occitanie economic guide

Find the ranking of Occitanie companies (nearly 1100 companies in 2024) by turnover and by activity with address, telephone number, turnover, % of turnover from exports, workforce, activity, main managers + names of the company's main managers (sales, HR, manufacturing, quality, purchasing and finance).

Printed version available at the university’s SUIO-IP (guidance and careers department) or on order for 25 €.

Toulouse for young internationals: discover, settle and work in Toulouse

Toulouse is a dynamic European metropolis that attracts nearly 15 000 international students every year, along with many young foreign workers. In this very comprehensive guide produced by the Toulouse Youth Council, you will find lots of information to help you get settled in Toulouse, as well as specific sections on working, finding an internship or getting involved in Toulouse.