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The ‘Welcome to France’ Label: three stars awarded to Toulouse University Capitole!

on the February 13, 2020

UT Capitole University has just been awarded the three-starred label « Welcome to France » (highest rank of this label), which highlights the international outreach and more particularly the quality of the hospitality offered to its international students.

UT Capitole University has just been awarded the three-starred  label « Welcome to France » (highest rank of this label), which highlights the international outreach and more particularly the quality of the hospitality offered to its international students. This distinction underlines the attention paid to international students at UT1 Capitole.

The « Bienvenue en France »/ « Welcome to France » label.
The « Welcome to France » label granted until 2024 acknowledges the strong and well-rooted commitment of our university which already initiated a qualitative policy vis-à-vis the international students years ago by choosing the appropriate actions and services aimed at offering these students the most suitable environment to study.

UT 1 Capitole
Nearly 130 different nationalities are welcome on the campus, which clearly testifies to its great international attractiveness. 3123 international students, i.e 17.2% of the enrolled students, have studied at UT Capitole during the academic year 2018-2019
The university international students come within the framework of numerous exchange programs between partner universities or through individual exchanges schemes. This international scope is further illustrated with our wide training portfolio in foreign languages, our dual degrees with foreign universities and our numerous international scientific cooperations. One of the university priorities is to encourage,new partnerships throughout the world both in terms of education and research.

Updated on September 23, 2022