PhD Courses Catologue ENGAGE.EU - S2 (Spring Semester)

Course Catalogue - Spring Semester -

Courses Catalogue Toulouse Capitole University

Courses: Spring Semester

PhD Courses

Introduction to experimental research

Description:This course introduce PhD students to the basics of experimental methods. It will present the main components of an experimental design and will offer examples of how to develop experimental studies to test psychological processes. It will also present how to analyse simple experimental data.

March 3rd, 2025 (14.00-17.00) -
March 10th, 2025 (14.00-17.00).

Mixed Methods

The module aims at discussing possible uses of a mixed methods approach and demonstrate how mixed methods can enrich the research design either upstream (enrichment of research questions) or downstream (enrichment of findings) or on both levels. Students learn how to conceive and implement a research design combining qualitative and quantitative methods and how to analyze such combined data sets.
This short module is dedicated to the presentation of the different mixed methods designs and the procedures for data combination in mixed methods researches, challenges and limitations of mixed methods will also be introduced. Through article presentations, participants will be able to tackle the peculiarities of mixed methods research and will finally be able to evaluate whether mixed methods designs could make sense to answer the research question they aim to tackle in their PhD endeavor.
Upon completion of this short module, students should be able to: develop good awareness of mixed methods research and its scope, understand advantages and limitations of mixed methods research, be able to use previous knowledge on qualitative and quantitative methods and to combine these into a mixed methods design, including development of research questions and basic understanding of methodology, have general awareness of the challenges related to designing mixed methods studies

Planning :Feb 10th 2025 9h30-12h30 and 14h- 17h
