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A new library at Arsenal

on the May 30, 2016

Our project to restore and restructure the Arsenal library is about to get off the ground end of May.

The aim is to offer a larger and more user-friendly working space by:

  • Enhancing the quality of the services on offer
  • Reorganizing the services and support desk
  • Fitting the rooms with the highest standard multimedia equipment
  •   Opening new modular working spaces to facilitate group work
  • Adapting the library to the new safety and security rules (ERP rules) and complying with the accessibility standards requested in establishments open to the public and to users with reduced mobility
  • Ensuring the acoustic comfort


During the works starting on May 30th, all our services will remain available at the other two university libraries Manufacture des Tabacs and Garrigou !

For further information on the restoration project, on libraries opening times and available services, please refer to our website information pages (in french) or to the librarians at the service desk of BU Arsenal, Manufacture des Tabacs, Garrigou, Boutaric.

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Updated on April 7, 2016