• Research,

Expert lawyer Professor Wanda Mastor member of the Commission for the renewal of political life

on the July 25, 2012


The objective of the Commission for the renewal of political life, chaired by Lionel Jospin, is the reflection on the criminal statute of the President of the French Republic, the electoral reform for the Parliament and the Senate and banning the holding of more than one mandate.


The Commission also includes academics such as Jean-Claude Casanova, chairman of the  Fondation nationale des sciences politiques (National Fund for Political Studies), Julie Benetti, professor at Reims university, Wanda Mastor (Toulouse I), Ferdinand Melin-Soucramanien (Bordeaux IV), Agnès Roblot-Troizier (Evry university), Dominique Rousseau et Hélène Ruiz-Fabri (Paris I). Lastly, magistrates such as Chantal Arens, president of the Paris Regional Court, or Jean-Louis Gallet, counsellor at the Cour de cassation (Court of Appeal), will participate to the work of the commission.

The  Commission was first held on the 25th July. First proposals were expected last November. 
Updated on October 4, 2013