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Jean Tirole, researcher and Honorary President of TSE, awarded an ERC Advanced Grant
on the March 1, 2024
Jean Tirole, Honorary President of the Toulouse School of Economics (TSE), a component of UT Capitole, has just received his third "Advanced Grant" from the European Research Council to finance his research project entitled "Harmony within Society".
Jean Tirole, a researcher at the Toulouse School of Economics (TSE), a component of UT Capitole, and winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics, has received funding of €1.6 million for 60 months from the European Research Council to finance his research project entitled "Harmony within Society".
We are a profoundly social species. We care about how others perceive us, whether to receive their respect, affection or friendship, or because the image we project affects our relationships with others and with ourselves.
From this observation emerges a central question: is the spread of personal and collective information conducive to social harmony? Can secure spaces and the framing of discourse protect individuals or, on the contrary, expose them even more? How do "narrative entrepreneurs" shape imaginary communities?
In a context where social equilibrium is fragile, Jean Tirole wants to understand what unites the members who make up society, by studying the notion of community: how is it formed, around which memories, narratives and shared activities...?
Extract from the press release
The European Research Council (ERC) for scientific excellence
The European Research Council (ERC) is a European Union body responsible for coordinating research efforts between EU Member States and the first pan-European funding agency for "frontier research".
The European Research Council funds frontier research projects in all areas of science and technology. The only selection criteria is scientific excellence.
The European Research Council funds frontier research projects in all areas of science and technology. The only selection criteria is scientific excellence.
Jean Tirole, internationally renowned research of TSE
Jean Tirole is Honorary President of TSE and IAST. In 2014 he was awarded the Bank of Sweden Prize in Economic Sciences in honor of Alfred Nobel for his analysis of market power and regulation.
He is also a visiting professor in the Department of Economics at MIT, where he received his PhD in 1981. Since 2011, he has been a member of the Académie des Sciences Morales et Politiques.
Since December 2023, he has been a member of the new Presidential Science Council initiated by Emmanuel Macron.
He is also a visiting professor in the Department of Economics at MIT, where he received his PhD in 1981. Since 2011, he has been a member of the Académie des Sciences Morales et Politiques.
Since December 2023, he has been a member of the new Presidential Science Council initiated by Emmanuel Macron.
Updated on March 14, 2024