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Discourses, narratives and representations: court reporting and fictionalizing of trials”, a symposium co-organized by the Institute of Private Law

from March 10, 2016 to March 11, 2016

From 9:15am to 6pm

Centre universitaire Jean-François Champollion d'Albi,
Laboratoire CAS of Toulouse Jean Jaurès University
IRPALL institute of Toulouse Jean Jaurès University

Médiathèque José Cabanis
Grand auditorium

Trials whose goal is to settle conflicts and restore social peace go together with a ritual, the legal ritual which is part of the universal symbolism of the act of judging beyond the differences in legal systems observed between the French-speaking countries and those regulated by « common law ».

Trials have their own customs, temples, spaces, temporalities, actors and costumes. Justice can be staged thanks to its own rituals too. Sentencing generates discourses, narratives and representations of different kinds such as court reportings, literary, theatrical or film works. Those discourses (narratives and representations) will be highlighted in our symposium: researchers from various disciplines (law, literature, history, sociology, cinema, journalism…) will contribute to this multi-disciplinary scientific and multi-cultural event which will address the theme of court reporting and fictionalizing trials from French-speaking and English-speaking perspectives.

Partners :
Symposium co-organized by :

Lionel Miniato, lecturer HDR in private law, Centre universitaire Jean-François Champollion, Institute of Private Law, Toulouse Capitole University

Christine Calvet, research ingeneer, IRPALL Institute, Toulouse-Jean Jaurès University

Emeline Jouve, lecturer, Centre universitaire Jean-François Champollion, CAS laboratory, Toulouse-Jean Jaurès University
Contact :
Updated on February 25, 2016