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France’s European constitution’, collective publiation under the supervision of Hélène Gaudin IRDEIC

on the November 17, 2017

A reinterpretation of the French constitution in light of the country’s membership to the European Union and the European Convention on Human Rights. Collective publication under the supervision of Hélène Gaudin (IRDEIC).

From a multi-level constitutional perspective, such concurrent membership is not without repercussions on all aspects of the constitution. Until now, there has not been any holistic study on the extent to which the idea of Europe, its values, rationale and rules have infused the constitution.

This study goes beyond a conventional approach and enters into an open analysis of the instruments and methods that can help evaluate and measure the Europeanisation of the constitution. The analysis shows whether the national constitution’s idiosyncrasies have been retained. It also demonstrates to what extent participation in European integration favours the transformation of the State and its founding text.

2017 France’s European constitution’ workshop


This reflection led to the publication of a collective work and a workshop on feedback and discussion of contributions.

The collective work was published by Dalloz in its Topics and Commentary collection.



Partners :
Supervision : Hélène Gaudin

Authors :

Joël Andriantsimbazovina, Rémi Barrué-Belou, Julien Bétaille, Fabrice Bin, Xavier Bioy, Marc Blanquet, Baptiste Bonnet, Antoine Botton, Sophie de Caqueray, Arnaud Duranthon, Francette Fines, Sophie de Fontaine, Hélène Gaudin, Marie Gautier, Didier Guignard, François-Vivien Guiot, Xavier Magnon, Faneva Rakotondrahaso, Thierry
Renoux, Pierre Roujou de Boubée, Guillemine Taupiac-Nouvel.

EAN 13 :    
Pages :   
Editor: :


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Contact :
Gaëlle LE MERER :
Updated on January 9, 2020