- Research,
Mental health on university campuses facing contemporary challenges : from discrimination to COVID-19. Call of papers
on the June 15, 2020
IMPORTANT : This page presents the NEW VERSION of the Call for papers as updated on May 25,2020, within the frame of the general reorientation of the colloquium within the frame of the COVID-19 related pandemic.
This page presents the NEW VERSION of the Call for papers as updated on May 25,2020, within the frame of the general reorientation of the colloquium within the frame of the COVID-19 related pandemic.
NB: the PREVIOUS VERSION of the Call for Papers (initial version, now OBSOLETE, is recalled on this link, only for future reference):
Updated Call for papers
- Opening of the site for the submission of communication proposals: January 21, 2020.
- Opening of registration: January 21, 2020.
- Deadline for submission of communications proposals (summary): June 15, 2020.
- Notification of acceptance of communications proposals (summary): July 13, 2020.
- Deadline for delivery of full texts of communications: October 1, 2020.
- Notification of acceptance of full communications texts: October 15, 2020.
- Date of registration end: October 15, 2020.
Conditions for the submission of communications
For this conference, communications in either French, Spanish or English are authorized.
The colloquium will finally take place fully online, therefore no simultaneous translation is planned for speakers during the conference.
Communication proposals must be between 2,500 and 4,000 characters long (spaces not included, text outline and bibliography not included).
Communication proposals must also include the name (s) and email and postal addresses of their authors.
Full texts for publication must be a maximum length of 30,000 characters maximum (notes and spaces included).
The full texts will also be submitted for evaluation.
All communications accepted by the selection committee will be published in the conference proceedings, if the final text is approved.
The full texts will also be submitted for evaluation.
All communications accepted by the selection committee will be published in the conference proceedings, if the final text is approved.
New updated Areas for communications proposals
Multidisciplinary themes (information and communication sciences and / or law and / or psychology)
Mental health on university campuses facing contemporary challenges, from discrimination to Covid-19:
1- The challenge of new uses and practices (professional and / or social)
2- Civil and institutional actions, individual and collective
3- The role of universities
Specific themes
Communication sciencesMental health on university campuses facing contemporary challenges, from discrimination to Covid-19: social representations; imaginary; discourse (identities and gender).
Mental health on university campuses facing contemporary challenges, from discrimination to Covid-19: the challenge for the law, Covid-19 as revealing and / or amplifying discrimination.
Mental health on university campuses facing contemporary challenges, from Covid-19 discrimination: confinement, suffering and trauma.