Contact details
21 allée de Brienne
CS 88 526
31685 Toulouse CEDEX 6
- Phone.
- +33 (0)5 61 11 02 60
- On the Internet
- Additional contact details
- > Map of the Sciences Po Toulouse campus
Founded in 1948, Sciences Po Toulouse is a public institution of higher education that admits 1 700 students and trainees every year.
Sciences Po Toulouse is one of the 10 Institutes of Political Studies (IEP). It is a member of the Conférence des grandes écoles (CGE) and of the ScPo network, which organises the joint 1st year entrance exam with 6 other regional IEPs : Aix, Saint-Germain- en-Laye, Lille, Lyon, Rennes and Strasbourg.
Sciences Po Toulouse is a state of mind. A state of mind open to the world and its new challenges. A synthesis of the best of the top schools and the best of the university.
It focuses on openness in all its aspects :
More than ever, the changes the world is undergoing require the tools of the social sciences to understand them and meet the challenges they bring. The challenges of inclusion and equality, of justice and ecology, of tolerance.
- A multi-disciplinary approach to the social sciences and politics. Our courses are based on current research in the social sciences, as well as the practical expertise offered by our lecturers and speakers and our two research laboratories.
- Openness to the community and to the regions by encouraging public debate, relaying scientific culture, integrating into the Toulouse area and internationally through collaboration in training, involvement in the Toulouse Capitole University and the IEP network, and developing partnerships with the socio-economic world.
- Social openness to diversity, with an active policy of promoting equality and combating discrimination at all levels. Our training courses are based on those for whom they are intended: The talents of the students themselves. Their hard work, their sense of teamwork, their spirit of initiative. They are a source of innovation, always generous and demanding.
- Openness to the new challenges facing society, with the ecological transition at the heart of the school's project. Graduates are in great demand on the job market at a time when, for the job market itself, it is not simply a question of offering professional integration but also the opportunity for careers that give meaning to commitment.
- Openness to professionalisation with a training policy focused on the development of skills in a wide range of fields, including research, as well as preparation for all competitive examinations for future civil service managers.
- Director : Éric Darras, University Professor of Political Science