- Department
Contact details
2 rue du Doyen Gabriel Marty
31042 Toulouse cedex 9
The Mathematics Department of Toulouse Capitole University, which opened in 1992, has 23 junior researchers-lecturers on temporary contract (ATER) and about 40 non permanent members: contract lecturers and doctoral students. A number of visiting scholars and host lecturers also work here regularly.
The Department Head is currently A. Gazen.
Previous departments heads were: B. Alziary, Y. Aragon, J.-C. Rochet, J. Fleckinger, M. Mazan et J.-P. Décamps.
Academic Programs
The department is responsible for harmonizing the mathematics training courses. Mathematics is being taught at all levels.
Research activities
- Research is carried out within two UMR (research units):
The GREMAQ (UMR 5460) and the CeReMath, a UT1 component of the Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse (UMR5219).
- It focuses on:
Econometrics, Partial Differential Equations, Mathematics, Finance, Statistics. - Invited lecturers come to UT 1- Capitole to do research work, teach and take part in workshops
Since 1999, Toulouse 1 University is one of the partners of Toulouse Doctoral School of Mathematics and its Applications (head J.-M. Azais, from UPS) and of the Toulouse Master’s degree in Applied Mathematics (Information and application files at vie@univ-tlse1.fr;correspondante at UT Capitole : cthomas@cict.fr).