Key figures
Continuing Education
1.8 M€ in 2015
20 persons in 2016
1 000 continuing education tracks each year since 2010
A thousand interns trained through partnerships with the Institut Français des Praticiens en Procédure Collective (IFPPC) (practitioners in collective proceedings)
Approximately 200 audit/tax consultants trained under the Convention agreed with CRCC (Compagnie Régionale des Commissaires aux Comptes)
80 job-seekers/year, among whom 20 in social advancement trained in collaboration with Midi-Pyrénées Region
Employment rate: 77 % (after-18- month survey with 98% answers)
Validation of Learning from Experience (VAE)
A hundred registrants/year
Fifty graduates/year
Work-linked education
Several professionalization contracts
Since 2010, implementation of:
Master’s degree 2 DMSE (CFA Midisup partnership)
Master’s degree 2 Europan Bank and Finance: Chargé d'affaires professionnels (CFPB partnership)
Bachelor’s degree (L3), Master’s degree 1 and Master’s degree 2 Miage (partnership with Paul Sabatier University)