General information
- Duration
2 years
- Places
- International
- Internship(s)
- Yes
- Available to
- Initial course
- Resumption of training
Living species are now disappearing at an accelerating rate because of human action, and ecologists agree that the survival of human societies is intimately dependent on the survival of other species.
Countries and international organizations are taking action to address this problem:
- In France: new law on biodiversity, creation of the French Agency for Biodiversity...
- At the international level: the Intergovernmental Panel for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, the European Union's Biodiversity Strategy and the designation of 2011-2020 as the "Decade on Biodiversity".
In this context, Toulouse School of Economics, in partnership with the University Toulouse 3 Paul Sabatier, offers a new interdisciplinary specialization: the Master in "Economics and Ecology".
In the 1st year, Students attend a rigorous academic program in the different economic disciplines and quantitative techniques for social sciences. The common core courses allow them to deepen their knowledge and the elective courses allow students to build up their careers projects, taking into account the specializations in the second year of the master’s programs.
In the 2nd year, this master provides students with a unique set of skills aimed at measuring both the impact of human activities on biodiversity and ecosystem functioning, and at assessing, analyzing and recommending economic policies that influence human behavior and its consequences on biodiversity and ecosystems.
TSE also offers an other master in Environment: Master in Environmental and Natural Resource Economics
If you wish to apply for this master, you will have to select for the first year the Master 1 in Applied Economics and for the second year the Master 2 in Economics and Ecology.
Toulouse School of Economics
1 Esplanade de l'Université
31080 Toulouse Cedex 6 France
Téléphone : +33 (0)5 61 12 85 04
E-mail :
Office : T13
Contact Admissions :
Téléphone : +33 (0)5 67 73 27 87
E-mail :
Site :
First year admission:
Second year admission:
2 electives:
4 electives:
1 among 2:
2 among 3:
* Students who have completed the Professional Development course in M1 in 2020-2021 are exempted
** Refresher course in Mathematics, open to M1 and M2 students of the School.
*** It is strongly advised to take the course Introduction to Non-Market Valuation to follow the "Cost-Benefit Analysis: Foundations and Practice" course. Students who have already taken a course on the economic valuation of non-market goods may request a waiver for certain sessions.
For this interdisciplinary Master, TSE application procedure is open to students with a previous background in economics. Students with a previous background in ecology must apply via University Toulouse III
For any question about where to apply, please contact the program director.
To apply to this master at TSE, select on eCandidatures platform (via ADMISSION section):