Toulouse School of Economics (TSE)

Contact details

2 rue du Doyen Gabriel Marty
31000 Toulouse

+33(0)5 61 63 36 90
+33(0)5 61 63 35 86
On the Internet


Since September 2011, the training offer in Economics from  L1 (Bachelor’s degree year1) to the Doctorate is under the umbrella of  the Ecole d'Economie de Toulouse-TSE, which has replaced the Faculty of Economic Sciences.
The structure of the school relies on a very innovative organization, for example the « third way » in between the « Grandes Ecoles » and university. Our mission within the school, which is part of  the University (article L. 713-9 of the Code of Education),  is to meet the twofold challenge of teaching excellence while keeping the doors open to every student.

The School is backed and inspired by the research group Toulouse School of Economics (TSE), ranking among the world 10 best research centers in economics, and boasts a faculty of high repute. Besides, its lecturers-researchers have been developing long-term partnerships with large-sized French and foreign enterprises within the IDEI (Institute of Industrial Economics).The course portfolio on offer in our School meets the best international standards, enriched by its close collaboration with both research and the economic world.

It trains qualified economists in analytical and quantitative economics. The courses insist on the study of fundamentals in microeconomics, macroeconomics and econometrics as well as on many areas of application (economics of natural resources, public development policies, market economy, economics and competition law, financial markets, ..).


Christian GOLLIER (Director)
François POINAS (Dean of training)
Rebecca DE LAS HERAS DE PABLO (Secretariat)

Academic Programs

The course structure of the "Ecole d'économie de Toulouse -TSE" is as follows :

The integrated preparatory years  (L1 and L2) – without any selective entry exam - prepare students to be admitted to the School’s L3 level (Bachelor’s degrees) and to the Toulouse School of Management - TSM’s L3 level ( Bachelor’s degrees), another UT- 1  Capitole academic component.

The School’s 3 graduating years (L3, M1 et M2) – after selective admission  - lead to professional careers and to research. Several numerus clausus curriculae including two disciplines are available. After completing these 3 years, the "Ecole d'économie de Toulouse -TSE" graduates will hold one of the School’s Master’s degree 2.

The  Doctoral School