General information
- Duration
2 years
- Places
- International
- Internship(s)
- Yes
- Available to
- Initial course
- Resumption of training
Internship or master‘s degree dissertation
Environmental issues such as pollution, climate change and the conservation of biodiversity are currently in the headlines of economic debate.
Governments design public policies such as taxes or emission trading schemes to mitigate the negative impacts of air or water pollution. Firms launch green business strategies such as investments in cleaner technologies, product labelling or socially responsible investments to improve their competiveness.
In the 1st year, Students attend a rigorous academic program in the different economic disciplines and quantitative techniques for social sciences. The common core courses allow them to deepen their knowledge and the elective courses allow students to build up their careers projects, taking into account the specializations in the second year of the master’s programs.
In the 2nd year, the master is providing students with the analytical skills to assess, analyse and recommend economic policies and strategies to tackle environmental issues and manage natural resources.
Note that students can apply to either the full program (i.e. in two years) or directly to the 2nd year (refer to the Admission section)
TSE offers an other master in Environmental economics: Master in Economics and Ecology
Toulouse School of Economics
1 Esplanade de l'Université
31080 Toulouse Cedex 6 France
Téléphone : +33 (0)5 61 12 85 04
E-mail :
Contact Admissions :
Téléphone : +33 (0)5 67 73 27 87
E-mail :
Site :
First year admission:
Second year admission:
2 electives:
4 electives among:
Choice among 2:
3 courses among 8:
Internship or master‘s degree dissertation
To apply to this master, select on eCandidatures platform:
For more details about enrollment and application process, we invite you to visit the Admission section.