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ENGAGE Shared Modules - 2023-2024

Students from ENGAGE.EU partner universities can take modules offered by Toulouse Capitole and the ENGAGE.EU University

 University Toulouse Capitole will offer a ENGAGE.EU Module as of fall semester 2023. It will consist of 3 courses from which the student will have to choose 2 for a total of 12 or 13 ECTS. This year's module is entitled  The Strategy and Perspectives in an Innovative Area.

The Shared Modules catalogue course from our partners are available here.
Registrations are open from 1 June to 1 July

Application process

Who can apply?

The online course offer is available to students studying at the following partner universities:
  • University Toulouse Capitole
  • LUISS University
  • NHH Norwegian School of Economics
  • Tilburg University
  • University of Mannheim
  • University of National and World Economy
  • WU Vienna

Application period - Until when can I apply

From June 1st to July 1st 2023.

How can I apply?

A form is available at the end of this page. The selection will be based on an evaluation of your overall academic performance (transcript of records) and the statement of motivation.

Transcript of records

At the end of your virtual exchange, you will receive an official transcipt of records from Toulouse Capitole University. For credit transfer options, please check with your home institution.

Strategy and Perspectives in an Innovative Area

Application period : June 1st - July 1st
Course period: Year 2023-2024
Module Coordinator : Sarah TORRICELLI 
The module has been designed for 1st and 2nd year Master students.
Strategy and Perspectives in an Innovative Area module is a multidisciplinary group of courses whose aim is to provide students the tools and methods to reflect on our society’s evolution. To confront current issues, solutions could be found in innovation. The use of AI, of digital means, could bring new perspectives. But this rational couldn’t be lead without method and strategy and above all without knowing the necessary protection through a legal framework. This module offers the possibility to explore these different fields, by choosing two courses between :
  • Smart and sustainable cities
  • Digital growth and intellectual property
  • AI, Issues and Perspectives / Futurology

Smart and Sustainable cities

Hours: 15h
Period : November - February- March ( CAUTION : this course is running from Fall to Spring semester)
Language of instruction: English
Mode of delivery: Hybrid
Prerequisite:This course is addressed to everyone interested in the smart and sustainable urban development.Students from different academic and cultural backgrounds are welcome to enroll.Participants are expected to have basic teamwork skills and ability to work in a multicultural learning environment.
It is essential that students can communicate, participate in group discussions, read academic materials (papers, case studies), prepare submissions and pass a final examination and in English (at least B2 CEFR level).
Learning Activities and teaching methods:
  1. Participatory lecures
  2. Case studies
  3. Research-based seminars and discussions
  4. Individual or group project
Assessment: The grade will depend on:
  1. Attendance (at least 80 %)
  2. Proactive participation to class (15 points)
  3. Final examinations (tests, essays) aimed at evaluating the understanding of course materials and learning outcomes (45 points)
  4. Individual or group research project presented and defended in public (40 points)
Description: After having understood what is a smart city, the student will learn the implication of law in this process. It is necessary to know several rules which could be applicated to the smart cities, like rules about public services, urban planning law, and legislation about data.

Digital growth and intellectual property

Hours: 24h
Semester: Spring
Language of instruction
: English
Lecturers: Dr. Jamal Azzam & Dr. Nicola Mirc
Mode of delivery: Online
Learning Activities and teaching methods:The lecture is organized around six core issues (building blocks)
  • Patents and the protection of innovation
  • Patenting strategies
  • Internal organization for managing patenting strategies
  • Patent and licensing strategies
  • Patenting in collaborative arrangements
  • Patent and other appropriation strategies for digital innovations
Learning Outcomes: The aim of this course of to introduce students to the challenges of corporate growth in modern digital economies, in particular with regard to accessing and developing digital as-sets and intellectual property. The course is organized in two parts.
  • A first part focuses on the recent developments of the strategic management of patents in modern digital econo-mies. Participants will discover the emergence and the role of the patent system in modern economies and how technological companies try to protect their innovations and to use their patent portfolios in service of their business strategies in a digital era. It covers internal strategies and ways to organize for managing patent and licensing strategies as well as pa-tenting in collaborative arrangements.
  • A second part addresses then more specifically external growth strategies to access patents but also more generally digital solutions and as-sets. It addresses in particular the strong increase in technology acquisitions and alliances in past years and introduces students to the particular strategic and organizational challenges that external digital growth induces (i.e. integrating and leveraging acquired intellectual property, transferring knowledge between companies and teams of engineers, implement-ing co-innovative practices between R&D departments from merging companies, etc.).
The course provides students with the relevant knowledge and perspectives to understand the management of intellectual property and growth strategies implemented by firms in modern digital economies. First, the course provides students with a managerial and strate-gic vision of patents, to raise awareness and inform decision-making in this area. Second, students will learn about managerial and strategic challenges of acquiring patents and digi-tal assets in general and how to address them. After this course, students will understand challenges associated with digital growth and intellectual property and are able to develop strategies to deal with such challenges.

Assessment: Group Presentations

Description: The objective of this lecture is to introduce the recent developments of the strategic man-agement of patents in modern digital economies. Participants will discover the emergence and the role of the patent system in modern economies and how technological companies try to protect their innovations and to use their patent portfolios in service of their business strategies in a digital era. The lecture is resolutely designed to provide a managerial and strategic vision of the patent to raise awareness and inform decision-making in this area.

AI, Issues and Perspectives / Futurology

Hours: 30h
Semester:  Spring
Language of instruction
: English
Lecturers: Prof Jessica EYNARD and  Prof Angel Marchev (from UNWE University)
Mode of delivery: Hybrid
Prerequisite: This course could be followed by any students interested in AI.
Learning outcomes: Little by little, AI is investing more and more fields, without its relevance or legitimacy always being questioned. If it is undoubtedly beneficial and can help in decision making in the medical, judicial, state, environmental, insurance fields, ..., it should not be fantasized and its use must be weighed, supervised and correspond to a real need. Otherwise, the fears it arouses will take over. Issues of fairness, transparency and accountability of AI systems can be considered, as well as the explicability of decisions made by an automated system.
The course aims to raise students' awareness of the issues presented by the use of AI techniques so that they are able to understand what it is all about, what risks these techniques represent for rights and freedoms, and what guarantees can/should be implemented to take full advantage of this technology without infringing on the rights, freedoms and values that underpin our Western societies. Concerns about bias or manipulation of individuals and populations will be interesting to discuss with students. The proposed course can also be an opportunity to talk about the question of the acceptability of AI, which can vary according to contexts, populations or cultures. Different sectors could be investigated, ranging from the police sector to the private sector, with an organization that wants to introduce an AI device to its employees for example, through the health sector or the smart mobility sector. Issues related to the economic aspects of AI expansion could also be developed
Assessment: TBC
Description: TBC



Applications are now closed for 2023-2024