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Meeting with Munyque Mittelmann, IRIT alumni and laureate of the Artificial Intelligence Thesis Prize, AFIA 2023

on the May 12, 2023

Munyque Mittelmann, former IRIT PhD student, has been awarded the prestigious 2023 prize of the French Association of Artificial Intelligence (AFIA) for her thesis "Logics for Representation and Design of Auctions". Discover the portrait of this young researcher!

Munyque Mittelmann, young researcher in Artificial Intelligence

Currently postdoctoral researcher at the University of Naples in the Automated Strategic Reasoning (ASTREA) laboratory, Munyque Mittelmann completed her PhD between 2019 and 2022 at the  Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse (IRIT) and the Faculty of Information Technology of the University Toulouse Capitole, under the supervision of Mr. Laurent Perrussel.
She has just been awarded the AFIA Artificial Intelligence Thesis Prize for his research in "Logics for Representation and Design of Auctions".

The University Toulouse Capitole as a stepping stone

Munyque Mittelmann, who graduated in 2019 with a master's degree in computer science from Brazil, her home country, decided to further her career by starting an international research project.
She admitted to have heard about the beauty of the city of Toulouse and the many opportunities offered by the French academic world.
The young researcher chose the University Toulouse Capitole because of her interest in projects developed by the LILaC team of the Artificial Intelligence Department of the IRIT Laboratory.
I am grateful for all the opportunities and teachings that allowed me to grow as a researcher.

After completing her PhD at UT Capitole, one of the opportunities that allowed Munyque Mittelmann to grow as a researcher and develop her thesis project was her academic mobility to the University Federico II of Naples with her new position in the ASTREA (Automated STrategic REAsoning) laboratory, under the supervision of Mr. Aniello Murano.

Specialist in logics for multiagent systems

Her research is on logic-based reasoning of systems composed of multiple interacting agents (for instance, software applications).

In her thesis, Munyque investigates these techniques applied to automating the verification and design of economic mechanisms for making decisions in groups of agents with individual preferences. In particular, her thesis focuses on auctions, an important and popular mechanism for allocating items and services.
This thesis investigates the use of formal methods for multi-agents systems for the specification, design, and evaluation of allocation mechanisms, with a focus on auctions. We address such challenges by introducing logic-based approaches for representing and designing auction-based markets with strategic players. We also propose a novel approach for reasoning and designing new auctions and demonstrate how it can express key concepts from Economic Theory.
In the future, the young researcher plans to continue in academic research, a path she describes as "exciting and challenging".
I hope this award will advertise my work and open new possibilities for collaboration with researchers interested in logics for multi-agent systems.

The AFIA thesis award

The aim of the French Artificial Intelligence Association (AFIA) thesis prize is to promote and recognise the best work of young researchers and to reward the thesis in Artificial Intelligence defended during the year 2022.
The selection criteria are the position of the subject, its originality, the scientific quality of the submitted work, the evaluation and the software achievements.

The laureates selected last April by the jury composed of researchers and university professors will officially receive their prize in July during the 2023 edition of the PFIA, co-organised by AFIA.

Munyque Mittelmann will have the opportunity to present her research work at the annual Plate-Forme Intelligence Artificielle (PFIA) event, which will be hosted in Strasbourg from 3 to 7 July and which brings together researchers, industrialists and students for conferences and workshops on Artificial Intelligence.
Updated on May 15, 2023