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Activités / CV

Short CV (2016)

Laurent Perrussel (LP) obtained a full professorship position at University Toulouse Capitole in 2015. He is a member of the AI group at IRIT since 1998.

LP is an active AI researcher with contributions in a range of research areas including reasoning about action, multiagent systems and mechanisms design. He has published more than 50 papers and 10+ in major AI events. He is a member of the editorial board of the French AI journal Revue d’Intelligence Artificielle. He was guest editor of three special issues (2x International Journal of Approximate Reasoning and Journal of Logic, Language and Information). He has developed several international collaborations with Brazilian, Australian and Chinese universities.

LP had an active role in a number of different research projects: Industrial (2006 - CNES), ANR (2010 - ForTrust), Labex project (2015 - Social Choice and Social Network). He was the head of a bilateral project (2014 - Xu Guangqi FR-CN).

LP was a member of the trading agent team led by Dr Dongmo Zhang (UWS) involved in the Trading Agent Competition: Market Design Game. The team won in 2011 and 2009.

Informations complémentaires

Main Research Topics

My main research areas concern the design of multi-agent systems (MAS) :

  • Agent focus: reasoning about action and change
  • MAS focus: logics, game theory, social choice
My research contributes to the definition of formal framework for belief merging and change models. My research is also connected to Game Theory and Social Choice: my main focus is currently on  the design of models for opinion diffusion, previously I worked on mechanism design and auctions.