Master mention Droit International et Droit Européen parcours type LLM International Economic Law (MINTEC)
Double diplôme international Master mention Droit International et Droit Européen parcours type LLM International Economic Law (MINTEC)Accéder aux sections de la fiche
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Service Universitaire d’Information d’Orientation et d’aide à l’Insertion Professionnelle (SUIO-IP)
e-mail :
Phone : + 33 5 61 63 37 28
Code RNCP : 36113
Semesters 1 and 2 aim at giving students a thorough knowledge of the private and public aspects of international and European legal issues.
The programme offers a comparative perspective, focuses on methodology with a view to providing the students with the tools needed to hold positions as lawyers in an international and European context.
Semesters 3 and 4 aim at giving students a thorough knowledge of international economic legal issues. According to the French grading system, the master’s degree is a national diploma recognised in the European Union countries and which is equivalent to a Legum Magister (LLM).
The program focuses mainly on the study of the World Trade Organization, of the European Union in an economic perspective and of international economic development.
The MINTEC also aims at providing students with some basic knowledge of international law, contracts and market regulation.
The two semesters are composed of mandatory courses.
Two tracks are available: the Research track and the Professional track.
- Students opting for the Research track must write a master’s thesis. When the programme is successfully completed, students who have chosen this track may apply for a PhD.
- Students opting for the Professional track must do an internship (minimum 2 months eq. 308 hrs) and write a report.
Dual degree Master International and Economic Law - LLM with Stetson University (Florida)
Admission to Stetson University
The application campaign for the dual degree with Stetson University is scheduled every year in Semester 2.
This program mainly deals with international economic law and international law. The student will spend the entire semesters 3 & 4 at Stetson University College of Law.
The student must complete all the required courses and pass the exams according to the host University requirements. As for the elective courses, they must be chosen upon approval of the University of Toulouse. All the exam modalities at Stetson University College of Law are handled by the host university. More information about the curriculum.
In addition, to validate the LLM MINTEC Program the student must either write and defend a master's thesis or write a report based on an interneship experience (Duration 2 months or 308hours).
Toulouse (campus UT Capitole)
Structure(s) de rattachement
Responsable(s) de la formation
Mr Gout is responsible for M2
Master courses administration :
Pôle Master Droit (PMD)
Office : AR 129 (Bâtiment Arsenal)
e-mail :
Phone : +33 5 61 63 39 26
Information about the application procedure & mobility period :
European School of Law (ESL)
Bureau : AR 334 (Bâtiment Arsenal)
e-mail :
Director of Studies
Mrs Macovei (
Niveau(x) de recrutement
Formation(s) requise(s)
Second year: Bac+4
SEMESTER 1 – 33 ECTS – 192h50
UE1: Introduction to European Union law - 30hrs - 5 ECTS
UE2: International and European criminal law - 30hrs –5 ECTS
UE3: Fundamental rights - 30hrs - 5 ECTS
UE4: Private international law - 30hrs - 5 ECTS
UE5: Introduction to legal system - 30hrs - 5 ECTS
UE6: Public international law - 30hrs - 5 ECTS
UE7: French or intensive English (for French speakers) - 12,5hrs - 3 ECTS
UE8: Non-assessed courses :
Conferences on legal cultures - 35hrs
Legal research - 3hrs
French and European culture and civilization - 15hrs
SEMESTER 2 – 27 ECTS – 207h50
UE9: Contract law - 30hrs - 5 ECTS
UE10: International and European business law -30hrs - 5 ECTS
UE11: Intellectual and Industrial property– 30hrs – 5 ECTS
UE12: labour and company liability -30hrs – 5 ECTS
UE13: Module 4 ECTS
E-commerce Law - 15hrs
Company law - 15hrs
UE14: French or intensive English (for French speakers) - 12,5hrs - 3 ECTS
UE15: Non-assessed courses:
Conferences on legal cultures – 30,5hrs
SEMESTER 3 – 45 ECTS – 231h50
6 units (UE) to be chosen among the 8 following ones :
UE1: European Law (36 hours – 7.5 ECTS)
Fundamental European Law – 18hrs
Specialized European Law 1 (Single Market & Foreign Goods / Services
& Foreigners) – 9hrs
Specialized European Law 2 (Selected Issues of EU Competition
Law) – 9hrs
UE2 : International Trade Law (36 hours –7.5 ECTS)
International Trade Organisations and Financial Institutions – 18hrs
Specialised Course in International Trade Law – 9hrs
Specialised Course in International Finance Law – 9hrs
UE3 : International Business Law (36 hours – 7.5 ECTS)
Fundamental International Business Law (Compliance and Corporate
Social Responsibility) – 18hrs
Specialised International Business Law 1 (International
Commercial Arbitration) – 9hrs
Specialised International Business Law 2 (International Tax Law)
– 9hrs
UE4 : Public International Law (36 hours – 7.5 ECTS)
Fundamental Public International Law – 18hrs
Specialised Public International Law 1 (Litigation aspects – State
Immunities & Investor-State Arbitration) – 9hrs
Specialised Public International Law 2 (International Criminal Law)
– 9hrs
UE5 : Private International Law (36 hours – 7.5 ECTS)
Fundamental Private International Law – 18hrs
Specialised Private International Law 1 (PIL in a global context) – 9hrs
Specialised Private International Law 2 (European PIL OR Comparative PIL) – 9hrs
UE6 : Contract Law (36 hours – 7.5 ECTS)
Comparative Contract Law – 18hrs
Negociations and Drafting of Contracts – 9hrs
European Contract Law – 9hrs
UE7 : Company Law (36 hours – 7.5 ECTS)
International Company Law – 18hrs
Practicing in International Companies – 9hrs
European Company Law – 9hrs
UE8 : International Economic law (36 hours – 7.5 ECTS)
Fundamental International Economic Law – 18hrs
Specialised International Economic Law 1 (Digital Governance in an International Context) – 9hrs
Specialised International Economic Law 2 (Law and Development) – 9hrs
UE9 (28 hours - Non assessed)
- English OR French language
- Documentary researches
UE10 (15 ECTS)
- Master’s thesis (research track)
- Internship (3 months minimum) + report (professional track)
- 2nd year : mandatory for professional path
In any case, internship agreement is required.
Internship offices :
Office: AR 379 (Arsenal building)
e-mail :
Tél. : + 33 5 61 63 37 35
Et après ?
Compétences visées
Fiche RNCP
Poursuites d'études
Occupational integration preparation, legal document drafting, plea and counselling simulations.
Students who obtain the MINTEC have several legal job opportunities, and especially those in relation with international economic law. The programme provides them with the skills needed to hold positions in law firms, companies but also in public services, including international or European institutions. Students opting for the Research Track can pursue academic research.
More Details: You may read the OFIP’s surveys about occupational integration of the graduate student.
The OFIP (Observatoire des Formations et de l’Insertion professionnelle) examines the academic and professional future of the alumni: continuation or resumption of studies, access to the labour market, after 30 months situation (work, studies, unemployment,…), occupation characteristics (sector, status, functions, professions, wages, geographical mobility,…).
Available on the UT Capitole website or at the SUIO-IP.