Formation LMD

Master (M2) mention Finance parcours-type Corporate Finance

Master (M2) mention Finance parcours-type Corporate Finance
Diplôme national de master contrôlé par l'État
Diplôme national de master contrôlé par l'État
France Compétences : certification enregistrée au RNCP

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Infos générales

Durée de la formation
  • 1 an
1 an
Lieu(x) de la formation
Toulouse (campus UT Capitole), Campus Anciennes facultés - TSM
Langues d'enseignement
Accessible en
  • Formation initiale


Anglais *
* Langue d'enseignement


  • Temps plein
  • Présentiel
Site de la formation



The Master M2 parcours-type Corporate Finance aims at providing students with the skills required to analyse and manage corporate finances.

The main areas of study include managing investments and risk, planning and managing financial strategies, managing interest and exchange rate exposures, and corporate accounting and audit.

On completion of these studies in corporate finance, students will have acquired a breadth of financial expertise including a good grasp of how markets operate, as well as a more specific understanding of banking, accounting, strategy, and IT.


By the end of the Master in Finance, students will be able to:

  • Know basic institutional and regulatory framework of finance in organisations and markets;
  • Understand the conceptual foundations and analytical methods in finance;
  • Apply analytical methods in finance to solve practical problems encountered by corporations, financial institutions and markets;
  • Critically assess the drivers of contemporary financial issues;
  • Incorporate ethical dimension and implications for sustainability in financial decisions;
  • Communicate effectively in oral and written form;
  • Work in team;
  • Solve complex problems.
Students pursuing the track Corporate Finance will learn to:
  • apply financial analysis and corporate valuation methods;
  • plan and manage strategic financing;
  • identify and manage operational and financial risks.


Toulouse (campus UT Capitole), Campus Anciennes facultés - TSM

Structure(s) de rattachement

Responsable(s) de la formation


This Master is a programme in partnership with Toulouse School of Management (TSM) and Toulouse School of Economics (TSE).



Niveau(x) de recrutement

Bac + 4

Public ciblé

Please note that candidates who have completed the TSM M1 in Finance are given priority.


Modalités de candidature

Find all the information (dates and procedures) on the applications for the Master (M2) parcours Corporate Finance on the Toulouse School of Management website.


The programme is taught entirely in English.


  • UE 01 - Asset pricing
  • UE 02 - Corporate finance
  • UE 03 - Information technology for finance
  • UE 04 - Financial econometrics
  • UE 05 - Corporate valuation


  • UE 06 - Economics for finance
  • UE 07 - Financial intermediation
  • UE 08 - Psychology for finance
  • UE 09 - Financial reporting
  • UE 10 - Advanced corporate finance
  • UE 11 - Internship or entrepreneurial project

Mandatory, 6 months

Et après ?

Niveau de sortie

Année post-bac de sortie

Bac + 5

Compétences visées

Fiche RNCP

Débouchés professionnels

Secteurs d'activité ou type d'emploi

Career opportunities:

  • Financial analyst
  • Financial controller
  • Corporate business manager in a banking institution
  • Merger-acquisitions specialist
  • Investments manager
  • Research manager
  • Consultant
  • Asset manager

Preferred sectors: senior financial management and general management committees of groups, banks and financial institutions, private equity and venture capital firms and consultancies, international corporations.

Insertion professionnelle

86% of students have found a job within 3 months after graduation.
33% of students have found a job abroad.

The average annual net salary two years after graduation was above 40,000 Euros


Modalités d'inscription

Find all the information you need about registration at Toulouse School of Management on the school's website.