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Discipline(s) enseignée(s)
Thèmes de recherche
• Mental Health on university campuses :
• Communications media and Mental Health : mediation, public space, public policy, & social innovation.
• Audiovisual : genres, content, quality of program and pluralism, studies of reception & analysis of discourse.
• Internet and personal data : juridical and technological cross-questioning in the field of communication.
• Logic of construction of mediatized information and public reception.
• New Information&Communication Technologies (NICTs), appropriations and usages.
Nicolás Tilli, articulates his research under an interdisciplinary prism (Communication Sciences, Law and Psychology) around two axes: the first concerns the use of communication media for mental health and the second communication for health.
• The use of communication media in the service of mental health invites us to think of the use of communication media (traditional and NICT) as an innovative mediation process (with a clinical component), as an alternative to social inclusion, of occupying public space and different territories, as a means of combating discrimination and stigmatization but also as a vector of communication for social change.
• Communication for health involves analysis and reflection around communication strategies (interpersonal, group, organizational), adapted (from a cultural / intercultural point of view) to the subjects and organizations involved (using different means and supports). Said communication strategies (characteristics of communication for social change) are intended to:
– think about the different stages of prevention and those of health promotion,
– influence social representations,
– propose a co-construction of representations which could be favorable to the improvement of health in different territories,
– promote equality and social inclusion, and
– fight discrimination and stigma.
Fichier(s) à télécharger
- CV Nicolas Tilli 2021 PDF, 405 Ko
Informations complémentaires
- Clinical Psychologist and Psychoterapist :
- Radio Broadcast "Les Hauts Parleurs", Psychiatric Hospital Gérard Marchant, Toulouse :