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"Novel ways to develop weights process in multiple criteria decision making", Morteza Yazdani, colloque de l'IRIT
le 17 janvier 2017
Manufacture des Tabacs
ME 303
ME 303
Morteza Yazdani nous parlera de ses travaux intitulés "Novel ways to develop weights process in multiple criteria decision making". Il tiendra sa conférence en anglais.
Abstract: In decision making modeling, always integrated approaches are highly recommenced due to the higher efficiency of using some methods to achieve optimal solution. Therefore many research has been conducted to model integrated multiple criteria decision making (MCDM) structures. As part of my thesis i have worked on integrated tools in weighting process. We designed several projects with integration of quality function deployment (QFD which is a multi criteria engineering tool) with other MCDM methods. The presentation covers a paper we published recently that combines DEMATEL to QFD in order to generate required weights rather than old methods as AHP, entropy and subjective tools. We applied this integrated model in supply chain management.
Mis à jour le 11 janvier 2017