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"Voting on Actions with Uncertain Outcomes ", Ulle Endriss, Colloque de l'IRIT
le 8 décembre 2015
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Ulle Endriss, associate professor à l'Université d'Amsterdam et professeur invité à UT1 pour le mois de décembre, nous parlera de "Voting on Actions with Uncertain Outcomes". Il tiendra la conférence entierement en anglais.
Abstract: I will present a model for voting under uncertainty, where a group of voters have to decide on a joint action to take, but the individual voters are uncertain about the current state of the world and thus about the effect that the chosen action will have. No prior knowledge of voting theory will be required to follow the talk. I will start with a short overview of the discipline of computational social choice and a discussion of its relevance to computer science and artificial intelligence.
Mis à jour le 30 novembre 2015