Infos générales
- Durée de la formation
1 an
- Lieu(x) de la formation
- Toulouse (campus UT Capitole)
- Stage(s)
- Oui
- Accessible en
- Formation initiale
- Reprise d'étude
In the 1st year, students attend a rigorous academic program in the different economic disciplines and quantitative techniques for social sciences. The common core courses allow them to deepen their knowledge and the elective courses allow students to build up their career plans, taking into account the specializations in the second year of the master’s programs.
In the 2nd year, the Master in Economics of Global Risks aims at offering courses that equip students with the fundamental approaches in economics, the methodological tool box, and insights about the nature of global risks that they need to know as future risk professionals that prepare companies, organizations and communities for new sources of threats. These global risks include climate change, human impact on biodiversity and other threats to the natural environment, pandemics, financial and macroeconomic crises, cyber risks, terrorism, as well as other threats. among other.
The course program is built on the three pillars:
Courses are taught in English by TSE faculty members with outstanding international reputation in finance, risk management, macroeconomics, econometrics, data science, microeconomics of decisions, environmental economics, and other fields. Due to the broad nature of knowledge and the multiple skills required of successful risk professionals and economists, the Master is highly transversal across fields in economics, and also exposes students to other disciplines including environmental science and epidemiology. The course training is completed with an empirical project related to global risks.
Toulouse (campus UT Capitole)
Toulouse School of Economics
1 Esplanade de l'Université
31080 Toulouse Cedex 6 France
Téléphone : +33 (0)5 61 12 85 04
E-mail :
Contact Admissions :
Téléphone : +33 (0)5 67 73 27 87
E-mail :
Site :
De droit :
- L’étudiant titulaire d’un Master 1 mention Économie de Toulouse School of Economics - TSE.
Après examen du dossier (en fonction des places disponibles) :
- l’étudiant titulaire d'une licence dans un domaine économique ou mathématique,
- l’étudiant titulaire de diplômes ou crédits, français ou étrangers, jugés équivalents et pouvant attester d'un niveau de langue anglaise C1 ainsi que d'un niveau de Mathématiques (GRE pour les étudiants titulaires d'un diplôme étranger).
Les certificats de langue anglaise admis sont : TOEFL 90/120 aux "Best Scores", IELTS 7/9 minimum et le Cambridge English Assessment (C1 niveau Advanced).
L'ensemble des pièces justificatives pour constituer le dossier de demande d'admission est détaillé sur le site Toulouse School of Economics - TSE.
Admission :
Les demandes d'admission se font à partir du site internet de Toulouse School of Economics - TSE.
Les étudiants titulaires d'un diplôme étranger, ainsi que les titulaires d'un diplôme français peuvent postuler via la plateforme eCandidatures.
Le calendrier des campagnes est disponible sur cette page.
Taux de réussite :
Les taux de réussite sont consultables ici.
Frais de scolarité :
Pour tous les étudiants : 243 € de droits d'inscription + 5 500 € de frais de formation applicables aux Masters parcours internationaux + CVEC. Des exemptions de frais de formation aux étudiants répondant au critère d'excellence peuvent être offertes chaque année. Pour plus d'information, veuillez consulter le site de TSE
Admission Second year
To apply to this master, select on eCandidatures platform:
First year: M1 Economics International track
Second year: M2 Economics - Economics of Global Risks International track
For more details about requirement documents and application process, please see the Admission section.
Program 2023-2024
M2 Economics of Global Risks International track
Courses syllabi are continuously completed and updated
Compulsory courses
Non-Mandatory courses
*Seuls les étudiants ayant suivi le cours de Time Series en M1 en 2022-2023 peuvent suivre le cours de Multivariate Time Series en 2023-2024 - Sinon, les étudiants doivent suivre le cours de Time series en M1 en 2023-2024
** Sous réserve d’accord du directeur du programme M2ERNA, et sous réserve de places disponibles
(i) Les étudiants ayant suivi Project Management en M1, ne peuvent pas le reprendre en M2
(i) Selon les compatibilités de calendrier
Bonus point
Practicing a sport or a musical activity within the University orchestra during the year can give you bonus points. Only points above 10/20 are taken into account.
Les modalités de contrôle des connaissances (MCC) sont précisées ICI.
The Master in Economics of Global Risks aims to train economists and risk professionals who can work in risk analysis, evaluation and in strategic functions, for example in the office of the Chief Risk Officer in companies and financial institutions. Their role is to anticipate risks, evaluate risk exposures, mitigate and prevent threats, enhance resilience, and guide the management response when shocks occur.
Economists and risk professionals with the transversal skills acquired in the Master in Economics of Global Risks will work for companies, consultancies, intermediaries, organizations, and government institutions that strive to prepare for anticipated and unexpected shocks and frictions, large and small. The anticipation and management of risks are the prerogative of forward-looking firms and institutions that understand the threat potential of seemingly faraway or low-probability contingencies, but also the powerful competitive and strategic advantage of enhanced resilience and risk preparation. Employers interested in the profile of graduates of the Master in Economics of Global Risks include insurers, insurance brokers and re-insurance companies, banks and asset managers, companies in energy, infrastructure and logistics, manufacturers and suppliers of essential goods such as food, mobility services, and networks, consultantsing firms in strategy and in economic analysis, public bodies like central banks, regulators, public health authorities, multinational organizations in finance and economic development, companies in security, information technology and public health, and non-profit organizations.