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Effector Project - Transborder Search and Rescue and Security at sea

on the August 8, 2022

Mentioned by the European Commission on August 8, 2022, the H2020 project EFFECTOR that aims at enhancing the maritime surveillance and search and rescue domain is just over after 24 months. The project demonstrated the full capability of the CISE information exchange network during live trials in Portugal, France and Greece.

EFFECTOR mentioned by the European Commission

The H2020 EFFECTOR project coordinated by the Secrétariat Général de la Mer aims to enhance maritime surveillance for maritime security and search and rescue typically in cross-border operations. This 24 month innovation action project (from October 2020 to September 2022) was carried out by 18 participants including IRIT-Université Toulouse 1 Capitole. The project was mentioned by the European Commission in a report on how European Union research and innovation tackles challenges to civil security (click here for the publication).

The EFFECTOR project was mentioned as demonstrating and enabling the full power of the CISE (Common Information Sharing Environment) network developped in previous projects (EUCISE2020 and Andromeda). The CISE network is being developped from research to operational level since 2014 and is currently managed by the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) with the support of the JRC (Joint Research Center).

More on EFFECTOR @ IRIT / Université Toulouse 1 Capitole


The Local Team

The project was adminitratively supported by Université Toulouse 1 Capitole. The IRIT project team that worked for EFFECTOR was composed of several staff members from the three universities of Toulouse (UT1, UT2 and UT3) as well as the CNRS:
  • Lydie Ballabriga, Antoine Dupuy, Nabil El Malki, Ba Huy Tran and Ronan Tournier (UT1),
  • Catherine Comparot, Olivier Teste and Cassia Trojahn (UT2),
  • Max Chevalier and Pierre-Henri Cros, currently retired (UT3),
  • Nathalie Aussenac-Gilles (CNRS).

Selected Achievement

One of the greatest achievements done by IRIT during the project is engineering free and open source ontologies for CISE messages (Etalab licence). An extended CISE ontolgy was also created. Ontologies are a software components that comes from the semantic Web and that organize the knowlege of a domain using words and relations between them (for example: a Tanker is a type of Vessel and it transports a Cargo; Toulon is a Location, and it is a Port). Ontologies are used to perform reasoning on data using "semantic queries". These CISE ontologies define and structure the vocabulary related to maritime surveillance and maritime search and rescue domains. More on ontologies in EFFECTOR can be found on the project Website blog posts.


CISE was used during live trials in May performed just off the French Mediterranean French Coast: Other links:
EFFECTOR Youtube Channel: project channel
EFFECTOR Website: project Website

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Updated on November 24, 2022